Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday 9/30

Left Torrey, Utah early and drove through Capital Reef National Park. Donald and I agree, that other than Zion, we LOVED this drive! The rock formations were awesome!!!! The whole drive was over 100 miles long. 
First, we took a scenic drive, about 17 miles, stopped at the Gifford Home, shared a peach scone, and travelled to Grand Wash, which we walked.
We drove back to route 24, and viewed some petroglyphs carved by the Fremont Indians. 
We saw a small, one room schoolhouse, and a tiny cabin inhabited by the Behuin family, all 10 of them!!!
We travelled the rest of route 24, toward interstate 70, and ended up in Moab, Utah.
Took a short ride (17 miles) along scenic Potash Road. Highlight was seeing dinosaur footprints in fossil form, of course. So cool!!! 
To dinner and bed.

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