Saturday, October 6, 2012

Friday 10/5

Went outside and discovered that it had SNOWED overnight!!!! Our car was covered, but fortunately, the temp on the ground was warm enough that the roads were not icy. Left Estes Park, having forgotton to go to the Stanley Hotel, which we were going to drive by. This is the hotel where The Shining was filmed. Anyone who has seen that scary, disturbing movie will remember the hotel, and Jack Nickeleson's famous line "Here's Johnny".
Anyway, drove first to Golden, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. There, saw the Red Rocks with it's amphitheater, and Bufallo Bill Cody's museum and grave which sit atop Lookout Mountain.
We then drove to Denver. Saw Coors Field, and walked Larimar Square. Enjoyed a NON salted caramel something at Starbucks (remember it's freezing in Denver and windy), and then rode the free bus up and down the 16th street mall. Got off at Tremont Place to see the Brown Palace Hotel. So beautiful, with a central courtyard surrounded by chi-chi shops.
We were then back on the bus toward LODO where we met Julie Stonis for dinner.
Donald's father's sister Marion's daughter Diane Stonis' daughter Julie lives here in Denver.
Wow! That was wordy!!!!!
Anyway, met Julie at a great restaurant, 1515, on Market Street,  and exchanged lots of laughs and caught up with family news.
Left, said our goodbyes, took a final pic of the Daniels and Fisher Tower, went to our hotel and to bed.

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