Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday/Friday/Saturday 8/310-9/1

Arrived late in Chicago for a visit with my mother. Not doing too much, just vegging. Saturday, went to the Art Institute which we enjoyed immensely. Then, to dinner with Deirdre, Mark and mother.
Heading to Badlands on Sunday. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday. 8/29

Super day. Went to the Henry Ford Museum and then Geenville Village on the Henry Ford Campus. Highlights included the actual bus Rosa Parks rode in when she refused to give up her seat to a white man, and subsequently, went to jail. Also, the chair that President Lincoln sat in when he was shot. Finally, the actual Presidential car President Kennedy rode in when he was assassinated. The motor car was refurbished for future presidents and used by them.
We both thought that Detroit was fabulous!!!!!!

Tuesday 8/28

Wow! What a day!!!! First, we went to Mt Clemens to see the town (which was great) and then to Lake St. Clair. Truly amazing!!! You cannot see to the other side!!!! I know it's on the map as being large, but OMG to see it is unbelievable!!!!!
Next , we went to the cemetery where mother's parents and brother are buried. Very moving. 
Then, we went to Gesu parish church to see where Mary and Jim were married.
Then onto the Motown Museum, soooo interesting! We knew all the songs!!!!!!
A quick drive to Comerica Park, or Tiger Stadium, and off to Dearborn for a tour of the Ford Museum tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday 8/27

Left east syracuse and drove along route 90 by Albany and Buffalo to Niagra Falls in the rain!!!!! Stayed a few minutes, long enough to take a few pictures. Then through Canada and onto the Peace bridge back to  The USA. Into Michagan, we we stayed in Mt. Clemens. Went to Greektown for dinner, and to Greektown casino. Back to the Best Western and to bed. Goodnight!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday 8/26

Today was a travel day, that is after a lovely brunch at Priscilla's friend, Marcia Floyd's house. The traffic leaving the cape was very heavy, so we only got as far as eastern Syracuse. Long day, off to bed.

saturday 8/25

So nice to sleep in, but not this morning. Off to play 18 at Hyannis Golf couse. Back in time for a little down time, then to get ready for the wedding.
Went to Dodi's wedding- so beautiful!!!! Charming stone church, reception back at he club in Hyaniss Port. All lovely. Now off to bed. See you tomorrow.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday 8/24

Left beautiful Nantucket and Adele an Jim's. Off to Hyannis Port for Dodi Press' wedding.
Arrived at the Hyannis Hotel and Conference Center, went for a manicure at Hyannis Nails, took a nap, and soon go to dinner. Super dinner at Amari, an Italiaan restaurant in East Sandwich. Great bread and fabulous heirloom tomotes, mozarella with aged balsamic vinegar and basil. An entree of meatballs and homemade pasta completes the meal. Delicious!!!!!! Off to bed!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday 8/23

Overcast, but toasty outside. Donuts for breakfast with decaf. Thought we'd go to the beach but haven't decided yet.
Later, went to surfside beach. Ended up a beautiful day afterall! Home at 5 pm. We are going to dinner at the Galley Beach where the chef Scott Osif won the James Beard Award in 2011. Sitting outside/inside to watch sunset. A little more bridge and to bed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday 8/22

Another beautiful day. The men went to Miacomet golf course to play 18. Adele and I are going to a golf clinic this afternoon, but more about that later. Adele and I went, again to Bartlett's farm, for tomatoes, to make tomato sandwiches. Delicious!!!!!!
Then, to the clinic. It is at a lady named Janie's house. She was lovely enough to invite Adele and her guest, me! Sooo much fun. She had a pro from Sankaty Golf Club join us for the lesson, which included putting, chipping and sand shots. Very helpful!! Then home for a quick shower, and on to dinner and a movie, The Campaign at the Starlight Cafe and Theater. Laughed soooo hard!!!!!! Back to Adele and Jim's for bridge and then bed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 8/21

Beautiful day. Sun shinning, cool breezes, high to be around 77. Played golf at Old Sconset Golf Course, built in 1894. Shot a 45 for nine holes. Then lunch at the Summer House on the beach by the pool. Tuna on the grill for dinner, yum, yum!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday 8/20

Today, an overcast day in Nantucket, we drove into town and had clam chowder at the Brotherhood of Thieves Restaurant. Then, Adele and I went to the bookstore, the bakery, the grocery store, Bartletts Farm, while the boys went to pick up salmon at 167 Sea Food. We all met at home. Adele and I went out for a drive to Madaket beach, saw Millies house, Millies Bar and Grill, and Mr. Rogers' Crooked House. Now looking at Long Pond, and enjoying shrimp with salsa, while waiting for our salmon dinner.
Dinner was delicious!!!!! Salmon on the grill, corn on the cob, salad, and ice cream from the Juice Bar for dessert. A little bridge, and we are off to bed. See you all tomorrow!


In Nantucket visiting Adele and Jim. Yesterday, went to Rainbow fleet parade at Brant Point lighthouse.Lunch at the Nantucket Hotel, (lobster roll, hold the roll). Golf tournament with Adele and Jim (we didn't win). Then music at Madaket Millies. Super Day!